Saturday, May 21, 2005

Welcome to Drawn to Jesus

Are you drawn to Jesus?

If not, there are several possible reasons.
  • You don't really know him.
  • You don't think you need what he has to offer.
  • You've been turned off by some of his followers.
  • You don't think you're good enough for Jesus.
  • You don't think you're bad enough for Jesus.
  • You don't believe in the supernatural.
  • You don't believe you can change.
  • You think you're doing alright by yourself.
  • You don't believe in an afterlife.
  • You think following Jesus means giving up a good life.
People who are drawn to Jesus
  • Know him through learning about his life, his teachings, and his actions.
  • Recognize their need for him.
  • Learn to put their trust in him.
  • Become his followers -- his apprentices.
I want you to be drawn to Jesus as I am. This podcast will help you know him, recognize your need for him, learn to put your trust in him, and become one of his followers.


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